Monday, April 16, 2007

Impact Issues - Teacher's Notes

Impact Issues Teacher's Notes
Lesson 5 – Take the Money and Run

Comprehension questions:
  1. Who is Paulo Umberto? (one of the world’s best soccer players)
  2. Tell me about Paulo’s family. (he is married and has 3 children)
  3. What is the name of Paulo’s soccer team? (the Eagles)
  4. What do the Eagles do well? (everything/defense, passing, scoring)
  5. What will Paulo be doing soon? (leaving his team)
  6. How many owners do the Eagles have? (4)
  7. What country’s team would like Paulo to join it? (England)
  8. How much money could he make in 5 years if he joins the British team? (enough to last a lifetime)
  9. Does Paulo want to move to England? (no)
  10. Why not? (he doesn’t speak English; wants to live in his home country with his family; he likes his teammates and the owners)
  11. Why don’t the owners of his country’s team pay him more? (they aren’t wealthy)
Opinion questions (all followed by why/why not?):
  • Do you think Paulo should take the money and move to England?
  • What would you choose to do if you were in Paulo’s situation?
  • Do you think money is more important than being comfortable in your homeland?

Write an essay about what it would take to get you to move to a country you weren’t comfortable living in.

This material is (c) The Home Sensei

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